Activity & Movement
Doing things – being active – is an essential part of being human at the most basic of levels.
Our bodies need to move to keep going (body)
Our sense of wellbeing is fed by doing things (mind)
Our self-esteem improves when we achieve things (spirit)
Physical and social activities are known to be essential for good health and can contribute to our overall feeling of positive well-being.
Meeting people, team games, being a member of a club, dancing. It is about whatever floats your boat that gets you and your brain moving.
Most of us are social animals and thrive on and in the company of others. This is very individual and dependent of the types of things we like to do and the kind of people we like to be with. Whatever and whoever it is if it’s what you like to do then it will help motivate you.
Benefits of regular activity and exercise
It is good for us for lots of reasons:
Importantly activity and exercise leave us with a feel-good factor.
Our heart is a muscle and needs exercise to help it work better so we can feel well.
Our muscles help support our joints and pump blood around our bodies.
Our joints need to keep moving so they don’t seize up.
The more we move about the better we are at knowing our bodies which can help with our sense of balance.
If we keep moving, we maintain our natural flexibility.
Being as physically active as we can helps us to feel better in ourselves and about our body.
All the above helps us to stay as independent as possible.
During exercise our body produces natural chemicals called endorphins which act as a pain killer and leave us feeling good.
Take care of your body
It's the only place you have to live in